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Hey everybody! I'm Taylor Seim-Brown, or DrYEAHDOG on the North American server. I love Starcraft II, and I want to be more active in the community. This blog is primarily going to be a log of my 200 game challenge, or as I'm going to call it, the CCGC.

If I feel I have anything else that's relevant to Starcraft I'll post that here too.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

CCGC Game 2 PvZ on Scrap Station

PvZ - Scrap Station - 33:33
Average APM: 66 (although it was closer to 70, it just took me a few minutes to digest the loss) - Average Unspent: 1410

Strategy: 2gate forge expand, added another gate, then a robo for immortals because he was going mass roach, then +1 attack, more gates and another robo and a bay for colossi. At this point everything had already gone to hell so my strategy isn't really that coherent.

Overall Thoughts: I felt like I was way behind for most of the game when I really wasn't. At some points I was up by as much as 40 supply, and my income was much higher than his the entire game, often it was double his. I lost that game for a few different reasons, all of them incredibly boneheaded. The worst was a lack of scouting.

Bad Things:
> Moved out for first engagement with 9 sentries, 1 zealot and 1 stalker. Apparently I forgot that this is a defensive force. When I watched the rep I found myself yelling at the monitor, "Go back home! You don't belong out there!"
> Sent obs (only had 1) to check if he had taken the gold, should have sent probe.
> I was on 2 bases with only 3 gates and a robo for production for way too long. Needed more production after adding second base
> Observer scouting was very poor
> Not enough sentries for guardian shield mid and late game
> Several gateways didn't get switched to warpgates for a long time
> Built a warp prism and then didn't use it. I'm not used to using warp prisms. At least I remembered to build it. Baby steps right?
> Didn't have vision of "main hall". A lot of attacks through there caught me off guard, which is really dumb.
> Didn't scout what he had after some of the battles. It would be worth losing a probe or even a stalked to find out if a counter attack would be useful. There were several times when the answer would have been yes.
> Didn't start mining from assimilators at 3rd and 4th for way too long.
> @27:30 battle 5 of my 6 colossi got seperated from my army and I engaged while they were attacking the natural expo. When I retreated 3 of them got picked off for free. Son of a bitch. Once I saw that they were seperated I should have just left them at the natural. If he had attacked while they were still hitting the expo he would have had almost 0 income. And if he'd swung around to take them out I could have retreated in complete safety.
> When I pulled the probes from my natural for defense at 12:00 I accidentally grabbed two of the probes at one of the gases and sent them to minerals. They were never replaced.

Good Things:
> I liked the cannons on the high ground at the choke halfway between my second and 3rd.
> The 2gate forge expand worked out pretty well. I liked the building positioning. If I hadn't moved out I would have been pretty safe. In the future add another cannon, sentries aren't damage dealers.
> The 2 gates that blocked where the rocks were after they fell were good. They didn't come into play, but they would have been a nice buffer I think. Next time make wall off complete. If his army had just run by the gates when I followed him in those gates would have been been choking me and that's bad.
> Good probe count, good mineral saturation

Additional Thoughts:
> I don't feel as bad about this loss as I normally would after such a stupid loss. I normally play a custom game or three for warm up before I start laddering to remind myself things like where to build probes and what a zealot's range is. I accidentally
clicked find game instead of join game and didn't realize it until I saw I'd lost points at the score screen. This was not me bringing my A game. I know I should put 100% into every game because lazy habits breed more lazy habits, but fuck you, sometimes I don't wanna.
> Voids would have been fantastic this game. They're obviously great against roaches, and they could have picked off a LOT of ov's.
> At 19:50 engagement army was in a bad position. I should have been closer to his base at the "choke". This would have made my colossi super effective, and I would have picked off all his drones that were transferring, clueing me in that he had the gold earlier.
> I should have taken out the rocks at my 4th with the 3 or 4 cannons that I should have built behind the rocks. It would have freed up my army to be in a better position and it would have defended that base against harassment.
> Did I have too many probes? I had 84 at the end of the game. It is possible that is too many. I don't know.

Key Things Going Forward:
> Scout scout scout
> Get more obs and be more active with them.
> Pay attention to colossus pathing, make sure they don't get seperated from your army.
> Pay attention to gas saturation
> Don't be so rigid with army composition. Void Rays would have been amazing.

Total W/L: 44 / 43
W/L by race as of CCGC: PvP 0/0 PvT 0/0 PvZ 1/1
Points: 502 (-14)
Division Rank 94

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