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Hey everybody! I'm Taylor Seim-Brown, or DrYEAHDOG on the North American server. I love Starcraft II, and I want to be more active in the community. This blog is primarily going to be a log of my 200 game challenge, or as I'm going to call it, the CCGC.

If I feel I have anything else that's relevant to Starcraft I'll post that here too.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

CCGC Game 1 PvZ on Delta Quadrant

PvZ - Delta Quadrant - 20:05
Average APM: 78 - Average Unspent: 836

Strategy: 3 gate robo. I added a 4th gate, then expanded. Added a forge, then expanded again. Added Robo Bay and then waited a long time and got colossi. I got a Twilight Council and got blink, Expo'd again crossmap and slowly added gates up to seven.

Overall Thoughts: I won this game because he was terrible and didn't build enough of anything, and he didn't fungal.

Bad Things:
>Bad job scouting with 1st probe, didn't scout his expo which went down at ~4:20 after 4 lings.
>My beginning could be tightened up quite a bit, a lot of buildings going down 25ish minerals late.
>I got supply blocked too many times, including at 26, which is just way too low to get blocked.
>Did poor job scouting in general. I never even saw his 4th, which was in the worst possible place, I should have been harassing it with small numbers of zealots/dt's.
>My army basically never moved until I attacked him. I need to be more active with my army, even if all I'm doing is moving back and forth clearing out scouting lings at xel nagas.
>And it moved along a dumb path. There was no reason other than poor scouting and stupidity that I didn't attack along a different path, bypassing his spines and catching his army at a bad angle for him.
>The few zealots I had were not in front.
>Some useless ff's.
>Robo Facility and Robo bay were idle for way too long, especially when I first got them. Only had one Robo facility late game.
>Money got way too high, I shouldn't ever have 2k mins unless I'm maxed on 6 bases.
>Lots of unspent energy on Nexuses.

Good Things:
>I outmacro'd him pretty well.
>Great saturation at all my bases.

Additional Thoughts:
>I should have won that game way sooner, my army was superior the whole game, even though my composition was poor vs his.
>My tech path would not have worked if he had been better and used fungals or got more lings. If I see mass lings I need zealots and colossi.
>I need to build more obs, new goal, have at least two on the map at all times. One near his army and one in his base. I spent money (admittedly only 300) defending against mutas and he never even got a spire. I could have had a obs in his base for pretty much the whole game, he didn't have detection except at his army.
>More pylons around the map, especially late game for vision and for harassment. My new goal is to be obnoxious with them. Who cares if I lose them, I gain intel. Scouting is one of the things I'm worst at.
>Control xel'naga when possible.
>Have at least one cannon at most exposed base, for detection if nothing else.
>I won because I had more stuff. Not because my strategy was good.
>DT harass would have been great.

Key Things Going Forward:
>Scout scout scout. More pylons around map, more obs, more poking around with army.
>React to his tech more. Even if I had decided that stalkers were a good idea I should have gotten the colossi sooner for his lings.
>Chrono more
>More unit producing structures lategame.

Total W/L: 44 / 42
W/L by race as of CCGC: PvP 0/0 PvT 0/0 PvZ 1/0
Points: 516 (+20)
Division Rank 94

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