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Hey everybody! I'm Taylor Seim-Brown, or DrYEAHDOG on the North American server. I love Starcraft II, and I want to be more active in the community. This blog is primarily going to be a log of my 200 game challenge, or as I'm going to call it, the CCGC.

If I feel I have anything else that's relevant to Starcraft I'll post that here too.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

CCGC Game 1 PvZ on Delta Quadrant

PvZ - Delta Quadrant - 20:05
Average APM: 78 - Average Unspent: 836

Strategy: 3 gate robo. I added a 4th gate, then expanded. Added a forge, then expanded again. Added Robo Bay and then waited a long time and got colossi. I got a Twilight Council and got blink, Expo'd again crossmap and slowly added gates up to seven.

Overall Thoughts: I won this game because he was terrible and didn't build enough of anything, and he didn't fungal.

Bad Things:
>Bad job scouting with 1st probe, didn't scout his expo which went down at ~4:20 after 4 lings.
>My beginning could be tightened up quite a bit, a lot of buildings going down 25ish minerals late.
>I got supply blocked too many times, including at 26, which is just way too low to get blocked.
>Did poor job scouting in general. I never even saw his 4th, which was in the worst possible place, I should have been harassing it with small numbers of zealots/dt's.
>My army basically never moved until I attacked him. I need to be more active with my army, even if all I'm doing is moving back and forth clearing out scouting lings at xel nagas.
>And it moved along a dumb path. There was no reason other than poor scouting and stupidity that I didn't attack along a different path, bypassing his spines and catching his army at a bad angle for him.
>The few zealots I had were not in front.
>Some useless ff's.
>Robo Facility and Robo bay were idle for way too long, especially when I first got them. Only had one Robo facility late game.
>Money got way too high, I shouldn't ever have 2k mins unless I'm maxed on 6 bases.
>Lots of unspent energy on Nexuses.

Good Things:
>I outmacro'd him pretty well.
>Great saturation at all my bases.

Additional Thoughts:
>I should have won that game way sooner, my army was superior the whole game, even though my composition was poor vs his.
>My tech path would not have worked if he had been better and used fungals or got more lings. If I see mass lings I need zealots and colossi.
>I need to build more obs, new goal, have at least two on the map at all times. One near his army and one in his base. I spent money (admittedly only 300) defending against mutas and he never even got a spire. I could have had a obs in his base for pretty much the whole game, he didn't have detection except at his army.
>More pylons around the map, especially late game for vision and for harassment. My new goal is to be obnoxious with them. Who cares if I lose them, I gain intel. Scouting is one of the things I'm worst at.
>Control xel'naga when possible.
>Have at least one cannon at most exposed base, for detection if nothing else.
>I won because I had more stuff. Not because my strategy was good.
>DT harass would have been great.

Key Things Going Forward:
>Scout scout scout. More pylons around map, more obs, more poking around with army.
>React to his tech more. Even if I had decided that stalkers were a good idea I should have gotten the colossi sooner for his lings.
>Chrono more
>More unit producing structures lategame.

Total W/L: 44 / 42
W/L by race as of CCGC: PvP 0/0 PvT 0/0 PvZ 1/0
Points: 516 (+20)
Division Rank 94

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Two Hundred Game Challenge, or CCGC

Hey all, I'm Taylor Seim-Brown, or on, DrYEAHDOG. I'm a diamond protoss playing on NA, and I've been inspired to do a 200 game challenge. After each and every 1v1 ladder game I play I will come here and write it up. Forcing myself to stop after every game and think about what I did will prevent me from making the same mistakes over and over. And analyzing every game will help me to develop my own style, instead of going simply on intuition each game. Also I'll have all my reps up here, which will make sorting through them easier for me, and if you're interested, for you too.

In every post I'll have info about the game I just played, and that will be formatted like this:

Win or Loss
Matchup - Map - Game Length
Average APM - Average Unspent
Link to Replay
Overall Thoughts
A breakdown of my strategy. Not necessarily my planned strategy, but what I did and maybe why I did it.
Things I felt I did wrong
Things I felt I did right
Additional Thoughts
Key Things Going Forward

I'll also have running stats that get updated with each post. Those will be:

Total Wins - Total Losses (I'm starting at 43 - 42)
PvP W/L PvT W/L PvZ W/L (I don't have the W/L stats by race for the 85 games I've already played. If anyone knows how to get that I'll update it.)
Div Rank

Please note that because I've already played 85 games the sum of the total wins and losses will be 85 higher than the sum of the wins and losses by race.

If you have some feedback for me, about any of this, let me know! Leave a comment right here on this blog. Or for a more direct route you can message me through Starcraft, I'm DrYEAHDOG.820, or through e-mail at, or through Reddit, I'm Taylorseim, or through Skype, I'm GDKAdmiral.