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Hey everybody! I'm Taylor Seim-Brown, or DrYEAHDOG on the North American server. I love Starcraft II, and I want to be more active in the community. This blog is primarily going to be a log of my 200 game challenge, or as I'm going to call it, the CCGC.

If I feel I have anything else that's relevant to Starcraft I'll post that here too.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

CCGC Game 3 PvZ on Shattered Temple

PvZ - Shattered Temple - 9:38
Average APM: 67 - Average Unspent: 440

Strategy: 2gate forge expand, add gates up to 4.

Overall Thoughts: If I'm going to fast expand I need to put my forge and maybe even my second gate on the low ground. The 26 pylon needs to go on the low ground, and I need 2 cannons.

Bad Things:
> Didn't scout his macro hatch
> Didn't scout that he didn't take his nat.
> Got supply blocked at 34
> Only threw down one ff with my 2 sentries, if I'd thrown down another ff in front of the cannon I might have survived.

Good Things:
> Snuck a probe into his base, he had vision of it but didn't do anything. If I hadn't died I could have proxied him.

Additional Thoughts:
> Really I just needed to play better in general. If I hadn't gotten supply blocked I might have had an extra 2 sentries or zealots and who knows how the game would have gone from there.

Key Things Going Forward:
> 2 cannons on low ground
> Put 26 pylon and then structures on low ground

Total W/L: 44 / 44
W/L by race as of CCGC: PvP 0/0 PvT 0/0 PvZ 1/2
Points: 489 (-13)
Division Rank 94

CCGC Game 2 PvZ on Scrap Station

PvZ - Scrap Station - 33:33
Average APM: 66 (although it was closer to 70, it just took me a few minutes to digest the loss) - Average Unspent: 1410

Strategy: 2gate forge expand, added another gate, then a robo for immortals because he was going mass roach, then +1 attack, more gates and another robo and a bay for colossi. At this point everything had already gone to hell so my strategy isn't really that coherent.

Overall Thoughts: I felt like I was way behind for most of the game when I really wasn't. At some points I was up by as much as 40 supply, and my income was much higher than his the entire game, often it was double his. I lost that game for a few different reasons, all of them incredibly boneheaded. The worst was a lack of scouting.

Bad Things:
> Moved out for first engagement with 9 sentries, 1 zealot and 1 stalker. Apparently I forgot that this is a defensive force. When I watched the rep I found myself yelling at the monitor, "Go back home! You don't belong out there!"
> Sent obs (only had 1) to check if he had taken the gold, should have sent probe.
> I was on 2 bases with only 3 gates and a robo for production for way too long. Needed more production after adding second base
> Observer scouting was very poor
> Not enough sentries for guardian shield mid and late game
> Several gateways didn't get switched to warpgates for a long time
> Built a warp prism and then didn't use it. I'm not used to using warp prisms. At least I remembered to build it. Baby steps right?
> Didn't have vision of "main hall". A lot of attacks through there caught me off guard, which is really dumb.
> Didn't scout what he had after some of the battles. It would be worth losing a probe or even a stalked to find out if a counter attack would be useful. There were several times when the answer would have been yes.
> Didn't start mining from assimilators at 3rd and 4th for way too long.
> @27:30 battle 5 of my 6 colossi got seperated from my army and I engaged while they were attacking the natural expo. When I retreated 3 of them got picked off for free. Son of a bitch. Once I saw that they were seperated I should have just left them at the natural. If he had attacked while they were still hitting the expo he would have had almost 0 income. And if he'd swung around to take them out I could have retreated in complete safety.
> When I pulled the probes from my natural for defense at 12:00 I accidentally grabbed two of the probes at one of the gases and sent them to minerals. They were never replaced.

Good Things:
> I liked the cannons on the high ground at the choke halfway between my second and 3rd.
> The 2gate forge expand worked out pretty well. I liked the building positioning. If I hadn't moved out I would have been pretty safe. In the future add another cannon, sentries aren't damage dealers.
> The 2 gates that blocked where the rocks were after they fell were good. They didn't come into play, but they would have been a nice buffer I think. Next time make wall off complete. If his army had just run by the gates when I followed him in those gates would have been been choking me and that's bad.
> Good probe count, good mineral saturation

Additional Thoughts:
> I don't feel as bad about this loss as I normally would after such a stupid loss. I normally play a custom game or three for warm up before I start laddering to remind myself things like where to build probes and what a zealot's range is. I accidentally
clicked find game instead of join game and didn't realize it until I saw I'd lost points at the score screen. This was not me bringing my A game. I know I should put 100% into every game because lazy habits breed more lazy habits, but fuck you, sometimes I don't wanna.
> Voids would have been fantastic this game. They're obviously great against roaches, and they could have picked off a LOT of ov's.
> At 19:50 engagement army was in a bad position. I should have been closer to his base at the "choke". This would have made my colossi super effective, and I would have picked off all his drones that were transferring, clueing me in that he had the gold earlier.
> I should have taken out the rocks at my 4th with the 3 or 4 cannons that I should have built behind the rocks. It would have freed up my army to be in a better position and it would have defended that base against harassment.
> Did I have too many probes? I had 84 at the end of the game. It is possible that is too many. I don't know.

Key Things Going Forward:
> Scout scout scout
> Get more obs and be more active with them.
> Pay attention to colossus pathing, make sure they don't get seperated from your army.
> Pay attention to gas saturation
> Don't be so rigid with army composition. Void Rays would have been amazing.

Total W/L: 44 / 43
W/L by race as of CCGC: PvP 0/0 PvT 0/0 PvZ 1/1
Points: 502 (-14)
Division Rank 94

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

CCGC Game 1 PvZ on Delta Quadrant

PvZ - Delta Quadrant - 20:05
Average APM: 78 - Average Unspent: 836

Strategy: 3 gate robo. I added a 4th gate, then expanded. Added a forge, then expanded again. Added Robo Bay and then waited a long time and got colossi. I got a Twilight Council and got blink, Expo'd again crossmap and slowly added gates up to seven.

Overall Thoughts: I won this game because he was terrible and didn't build enough of anything, and he didn't fungal.

Bad Things:
>Bad job scouting with 1st probe, didn't scout his expo which went down at ~4:20 after 4 lings.
>My beginning could be tightened up quite a bit, a lot of buildings going down 25ish minerals late.
>I got supply blocked too many times, including at 26, which is just way too low to get blocked.
>Did poor job scouting in general. I never even saw his 4th, which was in the worst possible place, I should have been harassing it with small numbers of zealots/dt's.
>My army basically never moved until I attacked him. I need to be more active with my army, even if all I'm doing is moving back and forth clearing out scouting lings at xel nagas.
>And it moved along a dumb path. There was no reason other than poor scouting and stupidity that I didn't attack along a different path, bypassing his spines and catching his army at a bad angle for him.
>The few zealots I had were not in front.
>Some useless ff's.
>Robo Facility and Robo bay were idle for way too long, especially when I first got them. Only had one Robo facility late game.
>Money got way too high, I shouldn't ever have 2k mins unless I'm maxed on 6 bases.
>Lots of unspent energy on Nexuses.

Good Things:
>I outmacro'd him pretty well.
>Great saturation at all my bases.

Additional Thoughts:
>I should have won that game way sooner, my army was superior the whole game, even though my composition was poor vs his.
>My tech path would not have worked if he had been better and used fungals or got more lings. If I see mass lings I need zealots and colossi.
>I need to build more obs, new goal, have at least two on the map at all times. One near his army and one in his base. I spent money (admittedly only 300) defending against mutas and he never even got a spire. I could have had a obs in his base for pretty much the whole game, he didn't have detection except at his army.
>More pylons around the map, especially late game for vision and for harassment. My new goal is to be obnoxious with them. Who cares if I lose them, I gain intel. Scouting is one of the things I'm worst at.
>Control xel'naga when possible.
>Have at least one cannon at most exposed base, for detection if nothing else.
>I won because I had more stuff. Not because my strategy was good.
>DT harass would have been great.

Key Things Going Forward:
>Scout scout scout. More pylons around map, more obs, more poking around with army.
>React to his tech more. Even if I had decided that stalkers were a good idea I should have gotten the colossi sooner for his lings.
>Chrono more
>More unit producing structures lategame.

Total W/L: 44 / 42
W/L by race as of CCGC: PvP 0/0 PvT 0/0 PvZ 1/0
Points: 516 (+20)
Division Rank 94

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Two Hundred Game Challenge, or CCGC

Hey all, I'm Taylor Seim-Brown, or on, DrYEAHDOG. I'm a diamond protoss playing on NA, and I've been inspired to do a 200 game challenge. After each and every 1v1 ladder game I play I will come here and write it up. Forcing myself to stop after every game and think about what I did will prevent me from making the same mistakes over and over. And analyzing every game will help me to develop my own style, instead of going simply on intuition each game. Also I'll have all my reps up here, which will make sorting through them easier for me, and if you're interested, for you too.

In every post I'll have info about the game I just played, and that will be formatted like this:

Win or Loss
Matchup - Map - Game Length
Average APM - Average Unspent
Link to Replay
Overall Thoughts
A breakdown of my strategy. Not necessarily my planned strategy, but what I did and maybe why I did it.
Things I felt I did wrong
Things I felt I did right
Additional Thoughts
Key Things Going Forward

I'll also have running stats that get updated with each post. Those will be:

Total Wins - Total Losses (I'm starting at 43 - 42)
PvP W/L PvT W/L PvZ W/L (I don't have the W/L stats by race for the 85 games I've already played. If anyone knows how to get that I'll update it.)
Div Rank

Please note that because I've already played 85 games the sum of the total wins and losses will be 85 higher than the sum of the wins and losses by race.

If you have some feedback for me, about any of this, let me know! Leave a comment right here on this blog. Or for a more direct route you can message me through Starcraft, I'm DrYEAHDOG.820, or through e-mail at, or through Reddit, I'm Taylorseim, or through Skype, I'm GDKAdmiral.